Custom Diet

5 Natural Immunity Boosting Foods


This article explains about the natural 

ways to boost your immunity system.

There are lot of natural ways to boost 

your immunity system. 

If you follow simple food habit and 

immunity boosting foods, you can

avoid immunity boosting supplements.

In this article I like to show you the 

natural foods which helps to boost your

immunity system.

Let me talk about the natural foods

that help boost your immune system

 1. Citrus Fruits

Most people think about vitamin C 

after a cold that because it helps 

to boost your immune system. Citrus 

fruits like lemon, oranges,grapes 

are rich in Vitamin C. 

Vitamin C is very essential for 

immunity boosting.

It helps in fighting against the diseases.

2. Red Bell Pepper

It contains twice as much vitamin C as 

citrus fruits. 

It contains a lot of beta carotene 

which helps to keep your eyes and 

skin healthy.

Beta carotene helps to boost the 

immune system by boosting the 

immune cells in your body.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in Vitamin A,C & E, 

minerals as well as many other 


It is also rich in fibre which keeps a 

power impact.

4. Garlic

Garlic is one of important ingredient

in every cuisine all over the world.

It lowers blood pressure & slowdown 

the hardening of arteries.

Garlic can been used as an antiseptic,

antibacterial and antifungal agent.

It may help the body fight off viruses 

and other microorganisms.

5. Ginger

Ginger is an active ingredient in many 

Ayurvedic medicines.

Due to the presence of gingerol, ginger 

is the active ingredient that enhances 

excellent immunity.

Ginger has anti-bacterial and anti-

inflammatory properties, which help 

to stave off many ailments and fight 


Many people use this foods after

getting sick.

Many people use immunity boosting

supplements to boost their immunity.

Why don't you add these natural foods 

in your diet?

If you follow simple food habit and 

immunity boosting foods you can 

easily boost your immune system

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