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Money & Traffic |How you earn traffic |How to earn money through my blog

MONEY & TRAFFIC                                    
The most searched keywords on 

Internet. In my experience,  I tried to 

study these terms for last few months. 

Is there any relationship between these two words? 

Money and traffic are interrelated 

terms. Traffic leads to money. If you 

can earn traffic you can also earn 


If you have a blog or a website, you can

 increase the income of your blog by 

buying traffic from advertising 

networks like Google Ads. .

You can convert traffic into money 

through advertising and affiliate 


There are lot of ways to earn traffic.

How you can earn traffic 

Write more posts so that you update

your blog, the more traffic you will 

get. Promote with social media   

Write great titles 

Know your niche

Include photos

This way you can increase traffic for 


5 Ways to earn money through your 


1.Affiliate Marketing 

2.Google Adsense 

3.Sell Adspace

4.Sell your own digital product 

5.Build an Email list

One year later I created a blog and 

started affiliate marketing. I 

searched many ways to promote my 

affliate links. Atlast I used my blog 

as a platform for selling the 

products. My next problem was 

getting traffic for my blog.I used 

Pintrest for generating traffic. Thus I 

new visitors for my blog. Slowly earn 

money from the affliate marketing. 

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